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Headshot Young Girl

Sheeba Ajmal


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This is a medium cost school and there are teachers who have a rigid mind set of not adopting new strategies to enhance teaching and learning in classrooms. Though I have started google training in school, they have been encouraged again and again to start working on blogs but the response from a group is very limited. I am training them to create their on google sites and share their resources but the same response is observed every time. They still think they have to complete the syllabus no matter what in the given time frame whether students understand it or no, it does not matter. They think its the grades that are important. Some teachers say how can we adopt the same strategies used in schools abroad when we don't have the infrastructure to support? they fail to realize they have ample resources, its how to use them effectively that's important. We had a session on lesson planning. The focus was in incorporating activity based learning in classrooms. No matter how much I stressed on the importance of activity based learning, they insisted this practice should be introduced in the primary years and not secondary school, since they don't have time, syllabus has to be covered, and not all topics require activity based learning, which was strange. How do I encourage and support them to explore, learn and apply new strategies in the classroom. At times they don't show up or training and even if they do, the assigned tasks remain unsolved. How do I provide them personalized or differentiated support using education technology? there are professional development courses online but most teachers don't join them, even if they are free at times.

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