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Certified Innovator Community Webinars

It's an idea, it's a solution, or is it a company?!

Come join the conversation to hear guiding questions to help you determine if what you're thinking about has "Start Up" potential. Explore questions like: Why form a start up? Will it be for-profit or Non-profit? And the most important, are you working to create a job for yourself or a company that can grow without you? Come to explore steps both essential and probing to determine where might you go for guidance and advice.

UX Design for Education

We are living the golden age of student-centered learning. Or are we? Learning becomes more meaningful when it's based on interactions. So, how can we design learning that is relevant, innovative, and most importantly, centered on users and interactions? In this session, I'll introduce the topic of UX Design in education, the definition of users, methodologies, and processes to get started in UX Design, whether you are designing a project, a training program, or even to design your everyday lessons.

Learning Like a Journalist

In today's media-rich environment, there are great opportunities for creation and participation, but also many pitfalls on the road from information to knowledge, including biased, distorted or untrustworthy information. How can we build media literacy skills and create a "learning to learn" mindset across all subject areas? We'll explore some simple and versatile materials and protocols that help our students buid confidence as they interpret and evaluate information around them, and get ready to add their own voices to the conversation.

Design Driven Data

Data-driven decision making is essential in K-12 education today, but educators often shy away from spreadsheets or don't know how use of complex data sets. Join Suzana Somers as she shares design approaches for Google Sheets and Google Data Studio to design data that engages your audience and solves problems.

Fear, Failure and Frustration

Being an Innovator is an ongoing journey. You'll encounter dead-ends, sheer drops, switchback climbs and beautiful vistas as you progress. In this spark I will share how to harness Fear, Failure and Frustration as our friends on this journey.

The Audacity of Light: Reevaluating Today's Classrooms as Learning Spaces

Devices and connections are more accessible than ever, yet our classrooms are becoming increasingly isolated and closed off. How might we break away from being tied down by digital resources and front-facing displays? Join Devin Rossiter as he shares how his Innovator experience reshaped concepts of learning spaces by reimagining what defines a classroom in modern education.

Get Started with Podcasting

Take your message straight to the pockets of millions of listeners by creating a podcast. Most people have all the tools they need to get started podcasting today. Learn about the first three things every podcaster should do and the pit falls most of them fall victim to.

Art and Design with G Suite

Artistic creativity is a vital skill for students and for anyone trying to package their innovative ideas for large-scale adoption. Did you know you can accomplish many of your art and design goals using G Suite tools? Join Tom Mullaney to learn about all things art and design in G Suite

The Art of Modern Storytelling

The human race has always engaged in storytelling - From depictions on the walls of cave, to the entertaining tales sung by troubadours in medieval times, to the multi-billion dollar entertainment industry of our time. Communicating in stories is a powerful way to convey a message, share ideas and practice creativity. Using slides, forms, Geo Tools and more let's share some of our own modern stories.

Creating a Brand

Creating a look and feel for Education Events, Projects and Training is a rewarding journey. In this session you will learn some tips and tricks from a Google Partner's journey, as well as how to avoid some fail moments. You will leave inspired and encouraged to continue dreaming big in education!



Computational Thinking, Michael Davidson


December 16th, 4pm PST

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