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Headshot Young Girl

Radhika Zahedi


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Educational Challenges, like those in other fields such as Health Care are complex because they involve individuals, each very unique. Also, they are set within multiple complex systems of family, institution, government policies, law and human rights etc. all influencing each other. Further, as Educators we know that learner-centered pedagogy - in which learners are active participants in their own learning, is essential for building the competencies that students need to thrive in today's world. Learner-Centred Pedagogy involves knowing each of your students well - what they already know, what the like, what they are interested in, what each of them are learning well and what they are struggling with. It involves using this knowledge to provide them with thoughtfully designed, contextually relevant, learning experiences. It involves empowering students with a voice and choice, and using these to facilitate student-led projects, co-constructing knowledge with them along the way. It involves providing feedback on individual student work so they can monitor their own learning and take an active role in their own learning and growth. In most of the developing world, this is hard to implement due to large student numbers coupled with limited availability of technology in the schools. Class sizes range from 40 - 60 students in each class and teachers often teach 150+ students across classes, with hectic teaching schedules. Teachers have never seen models of learner-centered teaching and learning in their own schools or teacher education programs. How can we make learner-centered pedagogy a reality under these conditions? This is the current challenge I am facing as an Educator and School Leader.

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