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Headshot Young Girl

Pip Bhol


United Kingdom

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In the borough I work within (Camden), I think there is an opportunity to promote the best use of Ed Tech and support schools with Digital Strategy on a wider level. Working with the local authority and speaking to my colleagues it has become apparent that the Borough itself recognises potential need for reprofessionalising of staff within the LA. However, when trying to promote this and train people around the local authority the borough is finding it challenging to get the dedicated training infront of people. I anticipate this is for a wide range of reasons. I have seen success in MATS with consistent digital strategy and from colleagues in America I recognise how the district systems seems an effective model. I would ike to see this success (consistent sharing of good practice and time/resources allocated) recognised. To summarise, the challenge is a combination of both raising the profile of Ed Tech within the local authority, but also promoting best practice and developing a community with a commitment to reprofessionalising educators.

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