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Mimma Sayuti Mat Khalid


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My challenge is to design and develop online teaching and learning resources of Malay Literature for lecturers and in-service/ pre-service teachers of Malay language in Malaysia. Learning literature is part of the language acquisition process, and also in understanding culture or way of life. My institution, Teacher Education Institution Malay Language Campus, is specifically responsible for all education activities for the Malay Language and Literature for the country. Therefore this specialized Teachers' College consists of all the talented and subject matter experts for Malay Language and Literature. Tackling this challenge may result in positive cascading effects to the Malaysian education community, because stakeholders have laid out the initiative in dignifying Malay Language as the national language. We produce between 200-300 Malay Language pre-service teachers graduating annually who will then practice the theory they have learned in college. Remote or online teaching and learning due to the global pandemic have forced all Malaysians educators and learners to be digitally present. There is no question of having Malay Language educators to buy-in the technology use, as they have no choice but to integrate the technology in their current practices. However, from my observation prior and during pandemic lockdown, these lecturers are affected dominantly in two ways: the way they teach and the resources they need in making their teaching and learning effective. These lecturers and their learners in the institution need support to expedite effective teaching and learning sessions.

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