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Headshot Young Girl

Mijoo Heo


South Korea

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The following are issues related to the use of digital devices by students with disabilities in our class. First, the parents of students with disabilities A said that they had difficulty manipulating digital devices at home. So the parents asked for student A to be excluded from the class using the device. Parents have not made a specific diagnosis of student A's use of digital devices. Second, teacher B found it difficult to present a specific plan for involving students with disabilities in class using devices. Teacher B was rather worried that students with disabilities could have lower concentration or sensory problems when using the device. Third, parents of students with disabilities C said they were overly dependent on digital devices in their spare time. This student began to use digital devices without providing separate education related to the use of digital devices at home, and it became difficult for parents to control them. In addition, the student was incomplete in recognition of the importance of his or her personal information and was senselessly accepting the information. In Korea, digital devices are beginning to be used in class, and students with disabilities also need digital literacy to participate in class activities.When teaching digital literacy, students with disabilities need to plan and implement individualized education that considers the characteristics of students. However, there may be many difficulties for teachers in planning and implementing customized education for students with disabilities, including technical problems. Parents do not know the necessity or method of digital literacy. These difficulties can interfere with teaching students digital literacy. In the long term, opportunities for independence and social participation may be limited. So I want to study the effective method of teaching digital literacy of students with disabilities.

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