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Headshot Young Girl

Melissa Dandy Walker



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We are currently in the middle of a world-wide pandemic. Because of how sudden it hit, many students were in school one day, and at home the next. No one knew they would not return for the rest of the school year. Many students experienced social-emotional issues during the pandemic. Some needed a way to let an adult know they needed help. Others felt socially isolated and needed a way to reach out to their peers. It is almost time for the new school year to begin and many students do not know if they will be in their school again or if they will be at home. Going to school face-to-face is a scary option for some - and so is staying home with no social interaction with peers. The need varies student by student. Most students would appreciate being contacted by a caring adult, whether its just words or encouragement or as a resource if they are dealing with some serious issues (i.e. lack of food, abuse, homeless, etc.).

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