The surge in generative AI presents a significant challenge, impacting both learning and the future workforce. Amidst a spectrum of narratives, from optimistic scenarios to dystopian tales of machine dominance, a crucial concern arises: the disproportionate focus on experimenting with numerous AI tools without a foundational understanding of their functionality. The prevailing issue is prioritizing quantity over quality, neglecting the essential aspect of teaching students about the inner workings of AI, including data gathering, examination processes, and inherent biases. This imbalance is further exacerbated by a lack of resources for instilling critical thinking and literacy skills. Consequently, students are left ill-prepared to meet the evolving demands of the modern world. The deficiency in AI literacy education is particularly pronounced at the Elementary School level. Students must cultivate this critical literacy early on to wield AI safely and responsibly in the future. However, the current landscape falls short, with available AI literacy resources primarily targeting educators or those aged 13 and above. This oversight fails to address the crucial period before students actively engage with AI tools, leaving them unequipped to navigate these technologies safely and responsibly as they mature.