Picture the Scene: The beginning of the school year for 2022, I am in an advantageous position as Leader of Learning at my school and also about to embark on a one-day-a-week role as Digital Tech Coach for the Lismore Diocese. My hopes are high, so many possibilities and plans to support teachers successfully to integrate technology into learning. We have our vision. Staff enthusiasm is high. An unforeseen challenge - the lack of support from our new leadership team. As the year has progressed, there has not been one PD session allocated for technology. Our collaborative planning days for teachers have been cancelled. Technology isnt prioritised to make our vision a reality. I am deeply disappointed at the lack of progress staff has made in learning and integrating tech. The irony is that in my new role, I am supporting teachers in other schools more than my own! This being said, I can completely understand the barriers. We have, like many other schools, A new leadership team finding their feet, Lack of PD for leaders Teacher shortages New initiatives to be implemented Introduction of new curricula for English and Maths K-2 BUT technology isnt seen as a vehicle to support this Mindset that technology is an extra not an essential part of learning However, the devastating flooding has had a major impact on our diocese: survivor guilt, overwhelm, mental health and wellbeing, an overall malaise in attitude, PSTD, lack of resources. Obviously, technology takes a back step. Its another thing. In order to see how many people you can inspire to run with you, there needs to be a cultural shift. Using Googles Education Transformation Framework, where do I begin with culture? How can I get transformation on the table? Help!