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Headshot Young Girl

Jordan Shallcrass


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I work in a large school which a wide variety of knowledge and experience. Previously my school has focused on areas that didn't promote or improve teacher confidence with digital tools within our school-wide PD. In 2020 the New Zealand Digital Technologies Curriculum was released and expected to be implemented. Within my school, myself and previous digital technology lead teachers have come across the same barriers with only a few staff engaging in learning opportunities or challenging themselves to experiment with new tools. As a result of this and the ongoing effects of Covid the digital curriculum hasn't been a focus point for our school and our students are moving into secondary school with inconsistent digital literacy. Teachers are busy and with new teaching programs and expectations being set by schools each year teachers often put things in the too-hard basket to meet the expectations and the Digital Technologies curriculum is included in this. My challenge is to explore how might we integrate the digital curriculum into a classroom program in a way that doesn't add to teacher workload and increases teacher and student knowledge and confidence.

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