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Headshot Young Girl

Hyung-Joon Hwang


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The challenge I have is to communicate with 6th graders of elementary school who are accustomed to digital devices, and provide the best class for them. The students I meet in the classroom every day are 6th graders of elementary school. They will enter middle school next year, and they will be 12 this year. I spend the morning and afternoon at school with the 6th graders. Some students are late for school and are absent from school for no apparent reason. They sometimes talk and act like adults, and sometimes they don't listen to their parents or teachers. In addition, they turn on their mobile phones during breaks to view their social media, and after all classes are over, they play smartphone games alone in a corner of the school. How will 6th graders spend their days? When they had free time, they wanted to play with their smartphones and watch the videos they wanted by themselves. They use their smartphones to do social media, shopping searches, watching YouTube, and playing games. Through digital devices, students access various media such as dramas, movies, and variety shows, and learn many things from them. Students spend more time with mobile devices. They spend more time watching YouTube videos than reading paper books. They are used to touching the screen rather than writing. Children who are accustomed to media stimuli sometimes find themselves unable to participate in activities that provide mild stimulation, such as writing or reading. So I had the following question. How to communicate with students living in the media age? What should be the best class for students familiar with digital media? Some students spend too much time using digital devices. How can teachers help these students?

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