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Headshot Young Girl

Dru Watts


East Bergholt, Suffolk

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My challenge is the lack of girls choosing to study Computer Science at GCSE level (age 14+). In the UK only 20% of the Computer Science GCSE entries for 2018 were girls. Looking above this, only 15% of Computer Science Undergraduates are female. These are shocking statistics. It’s a massive problem; something that is known and many organisations are trying to address. Figures have not shown a huge leap in recent years so it hasn’t worked yet. Most efforts have been to get girls into coding and Computing in general, they enjoy these clubs and sessions but still aren’t studying it. I’m finding this in my own school with girls telling me they love Computing then don’t choose it for GCSE! Frustrating! I am looking into ways of getting more girls into formal qualifications if possible, I’m just not sure how yet. How might we encourage girls into Computing GCSEs?

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