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Dr. Narjeet Kaur


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The medium of teaching in many schools, especially in science subjects, is English. So the small-town, rural, or village school teachers in an under-resourced country like mine, who are not knowledgeable in English, can't demonstrate science skills applicably in English ( with India having more total of 121 languages and 270 mothers tongues). These teachers also have very limited access to and awareness about the use of digital tools to use in the class, again with the language being a barrier and resources being a problem. The educators, even if they want can’t do anything about it without dependence on the central and state education boards. Mostly the village teachers have no source from where they can get references for projects, lesson plans, subject material, content, or digital tools in a language that becomes easier for them so that they don't have to waste time first hunting for ideas and them measuring means to implement them practically in the classroom My challenge is to increase the role of Teacher Intervention and participation in Professional Development and digitizing the education system (especially in a subject like science) with easily assessable tools, cost-effective ways, and language which is understood by them especially in an underfunded country like mine so that educators at all levels (right from Anganwadi to Higher education ) can give or help students and their colleagues develop ownership of their learning, without depending so much on the state or central boards for the same. Education and training for in-service teachers or new recruitments have long been problematic in educational systems. What is missing from the conversations is the consideration of viable means to engage teachers in professional, lifelong learning in a standardized and economical way and also in the language that they understand easily and fully.

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