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Headshot Young Girl

Daren White


Chelmsford, United Kingdom

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The biggest challenge that frustrates me is educators who shy away from using technology with a "I'm no good with technology" excuse, almost like admitting it makes it acceptable. If we are to create a culture and ethos in our schools of life-long learning and risk taking, we must model that ourselves. In these times, it is simply not acceptable to not be able to use technology, even if only on a basic level - our students deserve teachers that will teach them how to function successfully in the world of their own futures, not in the world of our past or even present. We must move forward if we are to inspire young people, using technology appropriately where it makes a valid impact, not as a gimmick. For me the challenge is how do we achieve this when so many educators across the world would place themselves in this category, much like many also play the "I'm no good at maths" card too. Many of these educators are phenomenal teachers, with years of experience and a wealth of knowledge and all approaches have their place, but we are doing our students a disservice if we simply shy away from technology because we lack the confidence and skills to risk it. Maybe that's not even a personal restraint in many cases, but a side effect of years of accountability on schools and teachers to deliver results for exams that count towards league tables, rather than the all important soft-skills that can't be measured so easily. We need to find a way to empower teachers to feel confident in taking more risks with technology and embracing what it can offer us and our students.

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