How to Minecraft EDU: Students teaching Students how to minecraft
Cindy Crannell
Teachers / Students
Transformation Element:
Learning Approach, Culture, Professional Development, Technology
As a STEAM teacher during remote learning I was faced with a huge problem that my students were unable to build and design collaboratively together with their hands. This forced me to investigate new ways to do this online. The Minecraft EDU offered a solution to this however I did not know much about how to use it and I did not have much time to prepare and learn how to use it. I knew several of my students had access to Minecraft outside of school and could teach all of us how to use Minecraft as a platform for building and designing but how would they teach their peers? The solution they thought of was a students created You Tube channel/playlist dedicated to learning "How to in Minecraft EDU" this project is still a work in progress but it within one week I have had over 25 "How to" video submissions to be added to the channel. Students used a Google doc to brainstorm and plan out the topic ideas for the "How to" MinecraftEDu videos and then shared it with their classmates to sign up and create the videos. Once the videos are done they send them to me and upload them to the You Tube channel/playlist.