While I was travelling in rual Indonesia last spring, fifth grade teacher Masmuah Amin welcomed me for an umplanned visit into her sweltering, sparsely furnished classroom in the village of Tetbatu. Following Indonesias Muslim culture, the girls wore hijabs with their uniforms and were seated separately from the boys, also in uniform. No computers, Few books. At break Masmuah gathered other teachers to talk with me. With linkted English, they urgently asked me, How do I help students who are not reading? What to do when student not learn? Through our ongoing friendship, I have discovered that these dedicated teachers have few instructional resources, scarce access to professional learning opportunities and no special education training they urgently want and need. How might we leverage technology to share educational expertise across cultural, religious, language and technological barriers? How can we use personal cross-cultural connections to build bridges between people instead of walls?