My challenge is this - how do we change how we deliver the creative arts - largely practical subjects - so that they still work in an ever-developing digital teaching space and drag them successfully into the current blended learning world. I want to champion subjects such as music and the visual arts in the digital learning space and show how they need to be truly valued as vital to the overall educational development of our children. This is the only space where so many of our children shine and flourish and they desperately need to be given the opportunity to do so beyond the traditional classroom. This has never been so evident as in recent COVID-19 times when specialist subjects were often left off the remote teaching agenda because these subjects were perceived as too hard to transpose to the digital learning space and not one of the 3 Rs. For the students who struggle with the “academic” subjects but excel in the arts, that leaves a huge hole in their opportunity to experience genuine success in their learning. We need to help arts educators to remain current and relevant so that they can continue to provide success opportunities for their stars. I want to take up the challenge to realize my vision to digitize effective and meaningful delivery of the practical Arts curriculum - adapt the traditional peg to fit in the digital hole - and as a result, effect real change in arts education delivery and relevance to ensure it meets the educational success needs of our most creative students.